m: 07855 849528
        m: 07855 849528
Hopi Ear Candles East Midlands

Holistic Health Leicester’s COVID-19 statement




At Holistic Health Leicester, I fully appreciate how much COVID-19 has impacted your life and that many of you are eager to return for your treatments.  However, in order to support your health and wellbeing I have to follow the latest guidance from the UK government, NHS and other authorities.  You would expect nothing less from me.


Changes within Holistic Health Leicester in light of the governments decision to lift/relax most COVID-19 restrictions from 19th July 2021.




This pandemic continues to have a very negative affect on my business so am eager to resume normality ASAP but not at the risk of your health.  I care very much about your welfare and the welfare of those entering the therapy room after you.  I appreciate that some of you simply cannot wait to be mask, hand sanitiser and social distance free.  However, please lets not forget that all that has really changed is the date.  The pandemic is still ongoing and numbers of positive test results rising daily.  With that in mind after careful consideration, guidance from The Federation of Holistic Therapists and a new risk assessment here is how your treatments will be affected until further notice.  With a brief explanation as to why I have come to these decisions:


The main way of spreading COVID-19 is through close contact with an infected person. When someone with COVID-19 breathes, speaks, coughs or sneezes, they release particles (droplets and aerosols) containing the virus that causes COVID-19. These particles can be breathed in by another person.


ACTION:  You are ONLY required to wear a mask during the 10 minutes of your neck and shoulder massage when we are face to face.


Surfaces and belongings can also be contaminated with COVID-19, when people who are infected cough or sneeze near them or if they touch them.


ACTION: I will continue with my stringent cleaning regime and you will still be required to use hand sanitiser.


Soft furnishings, such as pillows, bolsters, curtains, electric blanket and rug cannot be sanitised easily between clients.


ACTION: The above items will remain absent from the therapy room.  You DO NOT have to bring your own towels etc.


The COVID-19 health related questionnaire will no longer be sent to existing clients as you all know what I expect from you to keep each other safe.  I trust that if you have symptoms of COVID-19, have been in contact with someone who has within 14 days tested positive or you have been notified/required to isolate for any other reason (travel, Test and Trace) you let me know and reschedule your appointment.


Holistic Therapist Lisa MacKenzie - (MICHT, IIHHT Dip, ICHT, MDYTA, FHT)


Ibstock, Leicestershire based and qualified for 20 years our Holistic Therapist Lisa MacKenzie, works daily from her peaceful and tranquil purpose built therapy room in the quiet village of Ibstock, Leicestershire/Leicester, near Coalville, Bardon and Hugglescote, only 25 minutes from the city of Leicester and easily accessible from J22 of the M1, Ashby De La Zouch, Swannington, Ravenstone, Measham, Heather, Normanton Le Health, Newtown Linford, Bradgate, Market Bosworth and Desford with ample free parking.


Massage Treatments offered

Body Massage, Reflexology, Maternity Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Hopi Ear Candles, Aromatherapy, Reiki, Deep Tissue Massage and Daoyin Tao treatments are offered to men, womenchildren, pets Holistic Health practitioner Lisa MacKenzie aims to offer a safe sanctuary where you can talk in confidence, relax and balance Mind, Body & Spirit. 


Contact Holistic Health Leicester Today
Tel: 07855 849528 



Treatments should not be used in place of conventional medical care. Always consult your GP or health care professional for medical attention and advice. 


Testimonial from our local Osteopath


Lisa is a highly professional therapist, able to offer a range of treatments to suit a wide variety of people .  As a professional Osteopath, I know when the treatment I receive is likely to be effective and Lisa is one of the few people I am happy to visit, knowing that I will get a good deal of benefit.  She has a relaxed and methodic way of working, which puts her clients at ease and this adds to her effectiveness as a therapist in an environment which is clean, hygienic and ideally suited to the session.  I share many patients with Lisa, who find the combination of her treatments and mine to be beneficial to their overall wellbeing. I know that they, as I do, would recommend her unreservedly.

              Les Cox - Osteopath


An introduction to Holistic Health 

A Century ago no one could have imagined the dramatic advances in modern medicine through the decades.  Modern medicine has found a cure for many of the most devastating diseases, it has wiped out the bubonic plague and small pox.  


So, why if orthodox medicine is the key to our health are we turning our backs on it in droves. One answer is that with each life saving drug we learn that the side affects can sometimes be more debilitating to our lives than the symptoms they are actually designed to alleviate, another is that we no longer feel in control of our own fate.


We are fortunate today in that we have a choice in how natural we want to live our lives and treat our ailments - regaining some measure of control over our health by taking a different path or taking back some power by opting for a element of self-help.  This is not to say that orthodox medicine is to be poo pooed, most drugs have their place in the world and have made dramatic changes in the way we live and continue to survive.  


We therapists often refer to our treatments as "Alternative Therapies", Lisa MacKenzie prefers to change the terminology slightly to "Complementary or Holistic Therapies", terms that incorporate the idea that these more natural treatments can work along side orthodox medicines not instead of.  


Increasingly, people are also trying gentle self-help therapies like Massage, Daoyin Tao® and Aromatherapy to prevent Stress and tension before it has even taken hold - Prevention is better than cure.  When we require relief from long-term pain or illness and orthodox medicine fails, therapies such as Indian Head Massage, Reflexology and Reiki can be the key to deeper relaxation and balance of the mind, body & spirit.  


Contact Holistichealthleicester today 01530 263057


Peace of Mind

Leicestershire based Holistic Therapist, Lisa MacKenzie is fully insured through the Federation of Holistic Therapists.


Lisa MacKenzie is fully qualified in all the treatments she offers, having gained either a Diploma (Dips) or a pass with Distinction.


The letters after Lisa's name, explained:


M.I.C.H.T - Member of the International Council of Holistic Therapists 
I.I.H.H.T - International Institute of Health & Holistic Therapies
I.H.C.T - International Council of Holistic Therapies
M.D.Y.T.A - Member of the Daoyin Tao® Association
F.H.T - Member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists


Before and During your Treatment

You will be warmly welcomed by Lisa and offered a drink and use of the bathroom.  If it is your first visit to Holistic Health with Lisa MacKenzie a full consultation will be carried out, this is an important process as it provides you the opportunity to discuss your reasons for wanting the treatment, any questions you may have about the treatment and any health issues or concerns you have.  


Consultation also allows Lisa to establish your needs and the outcome she hopes to achieve from the treatment,  Lisa will also use this opportunity to explain the benefits of the treatment, its effects, how long it will take, how often you may need to come, any after care advice to reinforce the treatment at home and devise a treatment plan specifically designed to suit you.


Everything you need to fully relax and enjoy your treatment will be provide for by Lisa.  You will be left in privacy to dress and un-dress, will be required to wear briefs during your treatment and will be covered by fresh towels and a blanket at all times, only ever exposing the area of the body being worked on (no intimate areas of the body will be exposed or treated)


For hygiene reasons Lisa has a wash basin and soap for her hands and always wears an appropriate tunic and trousers, and disposable paper towel is used for each of you to lay on during your treatment.


Lisa would be more than happy to answer any further questions you have, so please do not hesitate to contact her. 

Or fill out the form below:

Your Name:  
Your Email:    
Your Phone Number:
Your Message:
Hopi Ear Candles