m: 07855 849528
Aromatherapy Transforming Touch
        m: 07855 849528
Aromatherapy Transforming Touch

COVID-19 Company Policy 



This policy outlines some of the key measures I have taken to reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus (COVID-19). Please note the content may be subject to change. 


Adhering to guidelines

Throughout the pandemic, I will be following guidelines issued by the government, NHS, other relevant authorities and my professional association, the Federation of Holistic Therapists, regarding safe and hygienic practice and the use of any personal protective equipment (PPE).


COVID-19 Risk Assessment

I have carried out a full risk assessment, in line with guidance from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), in order to:

Identify what work activity or situations might cause transmission of the virus;

thought about who could be at risk; decided how likely it is that someone could be exposed; and to acted to remove the activity or situation, or if this isn’t possible, control the risk.

Monitoring my own health by taking two lateral flow tests per week and deferring treatments if I have COVID-19 or symptoms of COVID-19.

Health screening of new clients

Prior to seeing any new clients, I will be:

Contacting those clients 24 hours in advance and deferring any treatments if: they have COVID-19 or symptoms of COVID-19; are clinically extremely vulnerable and shielding; anyone in their household has COVID-19 or symptoms of COVID-19; they have been in close contact with someone who has symptoms of COVID-19 in the past 14 days; they have been contacted by the NHS Test and Trace Service and told to self isolate.

Asking my clients to call, cancel and defer treatment if on the morning of their appointment they have a temperature or other symptoms of COVID-19.


Enhanced cleaning and hygiene measures

I have completed a certified infection control course and introduced enhanced cleaning and hygiene measures between clients, which includes washing and disinfecting any non-porous surfaces and therapy equipment, such as chairs and couches, and removing/replacing any porous or single-use items, such as towels and couch roll. Strict personal hygiene measures will also be adhered to, including regular handwashing/sanitising.


Adapting or restricting treatments

It may be necessary for me to adapt or restrict certain treatments, in order to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 and/or protect my clients’ health and safety. Any clients likely to be impacted will be advised as soon as possible.


Maintaining social distancing

Please note that while many treatments involve close contact, I will be observing social distancing measures wherever possible. This might include, for example, maintaining an appropriate distance during the consultation process, and when arriving and leaving for an appointment.


Removal of non-essential items

To reduce the spread of COVID-19 all non-essential or porous items will be temporarily removed from the therapy room.  This induces but is not limited to the: rug, door curtain, books, ornaments, bolsters, couch cover and electric blanket.


Cancellations policy

If a treatment is cancelled or deferred at short notice because my client has COVID-19 or has symptoms of COVID-19, any standard cancellation fees will be waivered.   A cancellation fee for any other reason will be applied.



*Please do not touch the handles of the gate or door, Lisa will aid your entrance and exit.

*New clients must be willing to answer a few addtional COVID related questions regarding your health and the health of those in your houshold/bubble.
*You must wear a mask during the 10 minutes of your shoulder massage, and during Hopi ear candeling when we will be face to face.
*You will be required to use the provided hand sanitiser on entrance.
*You must pay with the correct cash as no change will be available.


UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL ANY INTIMATE AREAS OF THE BODY BE EXPOSED OR TREATED please do NOT embarrass your therapist by asking.  You will be required to wear briefs during your treatment, if you have arrived without briefs the treatment will not commence and a £15.00 fee will be charged.

IF YOU ARRIVE EARLY please do NOT try and open the gate as this disturbs the person currently having a treatment.


IF YOU ARRIVE LATE this will either affect the duration of your treatment, or if the treatment is not worth pursuing in the remaining time a £15.00 fee will be charged.


IF YOU CANCEL, RE-SCHEDULE OR FAIL TO TURN-UP  Lisa requires no less than a full 24 hours notice, failure to do this will leave you liable for a £15.00 fee.  Messages left on an answer phone or texts will not be accepted as notification, un-less Lisa has confirmed receipt of the message or text.  Clients who have booked a course of treatments please see additional notes in "BOOK A COURSE OF TREATMENTS")  To avoid the fee you can allow someone else take your appointment, however, they must have already had a full consultation and must be made aware of the cost of the treatment booked, you must speak to Lisa in person about the changes.   


IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR TREATMENT you must give me no less than 24 hours notice, failure to do this will leave you liable for the cost of the original treatment (if it was of greater value). Messages left on an answer phone or texts will not be accepted as notification, un-less Lisa has confirmed receipt of the message or text

Hours of business are 9am till 7pm Monday to Thursday.  Please endeavour to contact Lisa only between these hours.  If you do leave a message or text out of hours Lisa will contact you during business hours.

Gift vouchers can be purchased in any denomination and will be valid until the date printed on the voucher, typically 3 months.  Treatments NOT received by this date will be charged for at the current price.  If the price of the consultation has NOT been included this will be charged to the recipient of the treatment, to be paid on the day of treatment.  If a treatment has been purchased the recipient can request a different treatment, however, there will be NO refunds if the price is less than the original treatment purchased and if the chosen treatment is more, the difference is charged to the recipient, to be paid on the day of treatment.  NO photocopies will be accepted or vouchers that appear to have been tampered with or show no valid date or signature.

BOOK A COURSE OF TREATMENTS AND GET 10% off, 6 of the same treatments must be paid for in advance, treatments can be taken as regularly as is necessary, but NO less than one treatment a month, any treatments NOT taken with-in 6 months will be lost, unless previously discussed with Lisa.  If Lisa feels that a different treatment would be more beneficial on the day and the cost of that treatment is more than the original treatment, the difference must be paid on the day with 10% off, however, if the that treatment is less than the original treatment NO refund will be given, unless Lisa makes the treatment change a permanent one and there are 3 or more treatments left to receive.  If you are unable to make the appointment you agree to abide by the cancellation rule, see "If you need to cancel", above, To avoid the £15.00 fee you can allow someone else take your appointment, however, they must have already had a full consultation, you must speak to Lisa in person about the changes and you must still take all your treatments with-in 6 months, otherwise they will be lost.




For more information…

I am happy to be contacted to discuss any aspect of your treatment during this time. 

Or fill out the form below:

Your Name:  
Your Email:    
Your Phone Number:
Your Message: