m: 07855 849528
Hopi Ear Candles Leicestershire
        m: 07855 849528
Hopi Ear Candles Leicestershire

Deep Tissue/Remedial Massage - Do You Suffer From Muscular Aches & Pains, Poor Posture, RSI's, Frozen Shoulder, Sciatica?


Deep Tissue/Remedial Massage and Swedish Massage can help to relieve anxiety and tension, encourage relaxation, improve mood and aid sleep associated with:



Frozen Shoulder


Achilles Tendon Injuries 

Tension Headaches

Poor Circulation

Poor Posture

High Blood Pressure

Aches & Pains

Tight Muscles


Poor Flexibility

Restless Legs Syndrome 


Depleted Immune System 

Myalgic Encephalopathy (ME)

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome (PVFS)

Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS)

This list is by no means definitive, but you need not be ill or suffering in any way to benefit from Deep Tissue or Swedish Body Massage you can have a treatment just for pleasure and deep relaxation.


Deep Tissue/Remedial Massage & Swedish Massage - The Benefits:

Among the many benefits of Deep Tissue Massage:

Reduced pain

Improved sleep

Reduced stress and anxiety

Improved mobility

Increased range of motion (ROM) 

Restored ease of movement 

Reduced muscle hyper tonicity, tension and spasm 

Reduced scar tissue and other fascial adhesions, which can improve  both circulatory and nerve function 

Promote circulation (of both blood and lymph) 

Help maintain good health and general well-being 

Increased Blood Circulation

Deep tissue & Swedish massage techniques involve intensive application of pressure on your body and Lisa often uses her elbows, knuckles, forearms and hands to apply the right amount of pressure to touch the deeper muscle tissues. This action triggers circulation of blood and oxygen in your body, thereby, releasing toxins trapped underneath. Increased blood and oxygen circulation in the body promotes healing. 


Increased Body Motion

If you are suffering from muscle stiffness or arthritis, deep tissue & swedish massage techniques can be beneficial in unlocking the strained muscles. The slow stroking of the affected muscle area and the frequent pressure used in the deep tissue massage with or against the muscle fibres helps loosen up the tissues, providing enhanced movement. 


Improved Body Posture

Deep tissue and Swedish massaging techniques help in unseating the deeply held patterns of the muscles in your body.  The massage manages to elongate muscle tissues and therefore, helps realign the body to a correct posture. This leads to an improved body posture. If your posture resembles a hunched back, then deep tissue massage can help you correct it.


Improve Emotional Health

Massages are known to be relaxing, rejuvenating and de-toxing and Lisa's massage always gives you a high.



Deep Tissue/Remedial Massage and Swedish Body Massage - What's the Difference?

Deep tissue massage techniques go a step further than those lighter ones used in swedish massage, by reaching a layer deeper during the massage process.  The work is slow, deep, and very specific - working either against or with the fibres of muscles, tendons or ligaments.  Lisa will use deep tissue massage to help “unlock” the tension in the muscle tissues, fibres and tendons by sharing positive energy with you through her touch, whilst using knuckles, elbows, hands and forearms.


Swedish Massage is a little lighter, using mostly just hands and forearms to follow the muscle fibres, as opposed to working against them, as done in Deep tissue massage.  Swedish massage can be used as an aid to deep relaxation as well as loosening tight muscles, it is still extremely beneficial, as muscles will still be softened helping to release toxins and prevent injury.


To further enhance a Deep tissue or Swedish body massage, a blend of anti-inflammatory and analgesic Aromatherapy oils can be added to the carrier oils.


Deep Tissue/Remedial & Swedish Massage - What is it?

Deep Tissue and Swedish Massage involve the action of a number of different techniques and pressure, to help the person relax, prepare for muscular action (as in contact sports) or to relieve aches and pains and to re-align soft tissue and ligaments.  


Deep Tissue/Remedial & Swedish Massage - How does it work?

Manipulating the body, using a variety of techniques and varying degrees of pressure relieves pain, re-aligns soft tissue and detoxifies.  Massage stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic flow, eliminating waste and improving the immune system.  


Regular treatments of Deep tissue or Swedish massage will strengthen the entire body's mechanism, preventing repetitive strain injury (RSI) and weakness, that may otherwise occur due to excess tension, structural weakness and on-going emotional or physical stress.




A Full Body treatment will last 60 minutes and includes the head and feet.


A Part Body Treatment will last 30 minutes, upper body will include head, lower body will include feet.                                                    


Deep Tissue/Remedial or Swedish Massage - During your Treatment

Everything you need to fully relax and enjoy your treatment will be provide for by Lisa.  You will be left in privacy to dress and un-dress, will be required to wear briefs during your treatment and will be covered by fresh towels and a blanket at all times, only ever exposing the area of the body being worked on (no intimate areas of the body will be exposed or treated)


For hygiene reasons Lisa has a wash basin and soap for her hands and always wears an appropriate tunic and trousers, and disposable paper towel is used for each of you to lay on during your treatment.






Hopi Ear Candles